Super Master Blog

A twin forever!

The Bad Beginning

on March 30, 2015

I am reading A Series Of Unfortunate Events; The Bad Beginning. It is about three Baudelaire children Violet, (almost fourteen) Klaus, (twelve) and Sunny. (one year) There mother and father died because, there big mansion got on fire! They were so sad. Would you be sad when your mother or father died? I would be.

So, the guardian was Count Olaf. He is a very bad person. He struct Klaus with his hands. Now, he has a bruise. Count Olaf gets angry a lot of times and, he gets mad easily. You don’t want to mess with him. They had to live with him for the rest of there life. Everyday they had to do choirs for him when the three Baudelaire children wake up.

I am reading right now, that Count Olaf is being so nice to themBadBeginning. He gave them warmed up oatmeal, (they usually have really cold oatmeal)  with raspberries. You can’t forget those. I don’t know what he was thinking about, but, it is going to be wicked! Count Olaf was smiling his smile that was he-was-up-t0-something smile. Do you know what he is up to?

Well, this is the end of the story. Comment me to tell me if you know what he is up to. Or, you can comment me if you want to know anything else. Bye-bye!

This is Count Olaf. He only has one eyebrow.

This is Count Olaf. He only has one eyebrow.








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